Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Death of A Spirit Guide

The translucent membrane
of regret extends and expands
arousing slit wrists of resentment
that bleed into vacant spaces
better left unexplored.

No red cross nor wooden
stake can remove the rot
that festers behind
benign smiles

and tossed curls
of anguish. Desiccated
reveries cascade away
leaving only bone
and marrow for the sparrows.


  1. pardon me. but this poim made my testicles retract

    en interious pubis caviti

    for reasons chosen
    not to decry but let me
    say your



    (not dee, which is a gurly name, deidre, desdeire, dresoirre, ez(which is french for eh?...not to desolate any desiree)

    you can call me al

  2. Desiccated and desecrated are harmonious.
    I dig the internal same line rhymes.
    Rot behind the smiles; yeah, "we all float down here."

  3. luxuriant language-- your words bring to mind
    elegant costumes with painstaking attention
    to detail and umami of textures.

    I find the final two lines quite comforting:
    the ultimate outcome may be democratic
    (I'm speaking in Greek terms and avoiding all references to politics in The Americas).

  4. I would like to add that the death of a spirit guide is sad indeed.
    My totem are 3: Red Tail Hawk, Red Fox and Timber Wolf.
    Your last 2 lines were especially good.


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