Thursday, September 17, 2009

the memory of pipes

a ceiling undressed
poses defiant,
a home stripped
of bric-a-brac, derelict
linings of my heart

I enter and confess.
you claim your life
is different; it remains
a choice of the textures we mesh:
mettle and silk
lace and trust.

a milky spoonful of advice:
that chimera is your one
pure host.


  1. Notice the eyebrows, visor, nose and closed mouth. It's waiting for a victim.
    Nom nom nom nom!!!

  2. Oh, D. Have you seen the opera Sweeny Todd?
    We could dance in the Boiler Room
    until you put an end to it.

  3. I am reluctant to comment on your poetry. To be honest the words are so crafted that I "feel" them rather than find concrete meaning. Does that make any sense?

    So here with youse guys I'm gonna attempt to develop what I will call the synesthetic review.


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