Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Comment on Veronique's Poetry

Up to today at noon I have not obtained from
any poet the same drug of artistic delight as is
given me by a Veroniqian poem posted in one
of her rooms in that place called the Feverish V

By such meta-rich language I obtain there,
from the poems a fluid that greases my intel-
lect, such as it is, and a fluid that juices my
loins. Her mosaic of words, in which every one
by sound and position and by meaning diffuses
its force by cancelling in a kind of sous rature--
a fall back the better to leap forward, to the
front, right and left-- a stamping out, in the
sense of cutting a die, every word and re-
placing the whole with such a touch that I
want that touch to run down from my chest
to the base of my compass needle and make it
dance as if it were nearing the North Pole.

The poems illustrate a morality of inertia-- a
writing lure that comes to her neither by her
choice nor by her stir, but by necessity.

Her writing is Roman. It is noble par excel-
lence. Her poems are candle flames seen be-
tween slit lacunas in a basket woven with
river reeds and thrown over.

My poetry contrasts to hers as mere senti-
mental loquacity.



  1. I don't understand how words pour from her like they do; endlessly, effortlessly and shiny.
    I imagine someone with a box of dictionary feeding that famous and self-described open throat.
    And what goes in sings back.

  2. She is most certainly the most unique person I have ever met and one of the most talented.

    She writes beyond mere words.


  3. I forgot to add that she inspires me.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That you managed to describe her writing so eloquently speaks volumes of your own talent as well. Ms. V. is a force to be reckoned with for sure.

  6. Poets,
    You're just trying to get on my good side, but
    wait a moment, please pause. I'm like Borges'
    mythical foundation of Buenos Aires: I don't have another side ( be it good or bad )

  7. I for one am still waiting for a duet. Apparently this radio station does not take requests. Hrrmph!

  8. You do create some amazing poetry.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I've only been able to charm Elise into a duet.
    I've asked everyone else, but they hate my guts.
    My most important goal at the moment is to get Veronique to spray coffee out her nose onto her monitor from laughing so hard.
    I've came close.
    I think she blew a snot bubble.

    I've been thinking that I should collaborate with DavidTrout on what has happened to Megan and Alphonse in the 6 x 8 x 8 box.


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