Saturday, October 24, 2009

viral intentions

I caressed my lover's throat,
during spasms of ecstasy,
whispering these words:

I sail through the seas
in our ship of feces;
the world is our disease.

I am done with you.


  1. For whatever it's worth, Dallas,
    I'm staying here; I'm safe within these walls.

    Veronique, I'm sorry: I need this solitude.


  2. no need to apologize. such undertakings always involve grief. look at paul preston's implosion.
    he committed infanticide. this isn't precisely solitude, however. solitude involves inking words on your own palm and then ruthlessly reaching for disinfectant.

    please spell check caressed.

  3. Thank you for the spell check. I always misspell that word.

  4. I fully intend on maintaining this closed venue for precisely your reason Paul. This is our home . There in an established trust and we can present our finest without having unqualified persons make comments.
    We will also be able to bring people up from the minors as we see fit. You'll now 'em when you see 'em.
    This is our showcase.


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